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Eurofins Environment Testing Experts are ready to assist you.
Heidi Hayes
Technical Director, Air Toxics
Heidi HayesiOS中跳转设置界面("prefs:root="被拒) - Rain - OSCHINA:2021-6-28 · 在iOS开发中,有时会有跳转系统设置界面的需求,例如提示用户打开蓝牙或者WIFI,提醒用户打开推送或者位置权限等。在iOS6之后,第三方应用需要跳转系统设置界面,需要在URL type中添加一个p...
Brett Muckey
Department Manager, Eurofins TestAmerica
Brett Muckey is based in Corvallis, Oregon. After earning his BS in Earth Sciences from Oregon State University, he has gained more than 25 years of experience in designing, conducting, and interpreting Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing for both freshwater and marine environments. In addition to this work supporting National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Mr. Muckey has significant experience in working with sediment toxicity investigations, soil toxicity evaluations, hazardous waste designation toxicity testing, and Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE)/ Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) studies.
In his current role as Department Manager, he supervises Eurofins TestAmerica-Corvallis Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory which is one of only three bioassay labs nationally to have held accreditation with the extremely high standard of the Department of Defense (DoD ELAP) program.
Michael Stanaway
吴恩达机器学习笔记40-用调和平均数F来进行查准率和 ...:2021-3-6 · 在很多应用中,我伞希望能够保证查准率和查全率的相对平衡。我伞可伡将不同阀值情况下,查全率与查准率的关系绘制成图表,曲线的形状根据数据的不同而不同:我伞希望有一个帮助我伞选择这个阀值的方法。一种方法是计算F1值(F1Score),其计算公式为:我伞选择使得F1值最高的阀值。
Mr. Mike Stanaway has 28 years of experience in the environmental toxicity testing services field. Mr. Stanaway currently serves as a Biologist/Project Manager at Eurofins TestAmerica Applied Sciences Laboratory (ASL) in Corvallis, Oregon. Throughout his career, Mr. Stanaway has managed several consulting projects, as well as large toxicology projects involving sediments, surface waters, soils, dredged materials, toxicity identification and toxicity reduction evaluations. He has vast experience conducting, interpreting (including statistical evaluation), and reporting acute and chronic toxicity, and bioaccumulation tests. Prior to assuming his current role, Mr. Stanaway served as a Toxicology Laboratory Manager at Eurofins TestAmerica ASL.
Mr. Stanaway earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Willamette University, Salem Oregon in 1988 with a minor in Environmental Science.
Clackamas Water Environment Short School Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing
v p n苹果下载
Technical Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Ray Shock has 14 years of experience in the environmental testing industry and currently holds the role of Technical Director in support of our Eurofins TestAmerica’s Chicago laboratory.
Mr. Shock is currently working with the classical wet chemistry group to modernize and re-organize testing capabilities to help improve efficiency. Previously, he worked at our Canton, OH facility, where he worked in organic analysis and was instrumental to the development of our approach for Methyl mercury analysis in a wide variety of environmental matrices.
Mr. Shock earned his BS degree in Chemistry from Hope College in Holland, MI.
Bryce Stearns
Corporate Technical Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
- Mr. Stearns has over 25 years of experience in the environmental laboratory industry including; laboratory operations, laboratory management, analytical method development, Quality Assurance, and development of specialized laboratory analyses.
As one of Eurofins Test America’s Corporate Technical Directors, Mr. Stearns is responsible for the development, validation and implementation of new and modified analytical methodologies; the review of routine and non-routine analytical data for validation purposes; and for the creation of technical documents and analytical polices that are used across the Test America network. Mr. Stearns has extensive experience with organic sample analysis and reporting using methodologies found in USEPA SW-846, CLP SOM01.2, SDWA and the TO Compendium of Air Toxic methods encompassing the analysis of water, soil, sediment, and tissue samples for a wide variety of chemical contaminates including pesticide, PCBs, volatile and semi-volatile compounds.
剑与远征剑刃舞者英雄攻略 阵容搭配详细数据一览_18183剑 ...:2021-1-8 · 欢迎收看《剑与远征》英雄攻略图鉴!如果喜欢记得支持一下wiki百科哦~ 18183首页 剑与远征 剑与远征剑刃舞者英雄攻略 阵容搭配详细数据一览 剑与远征剑刃舞者英雄攻略 阵容搭配详细数据一览 来源:网络 作者:兰斯级一号舰 时间:2021-01-08
Raymond Risden
Technical Services Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Raymond Risden has over 24 years of experience in the environmental testing industry, and currently holds the role of Technical Director at Eurofins Test America at the Canton, Ohio laboratory.
He has held positions in laboratory management, and has extensive experience with organic methods and analysis. Over the past several years he has developed and adapted laboratory methodology in the analysis and processing of unique and uncommon matrices requiring testing for the demolition and remediation of facilities in multiple industries.
Mr. Risden earned his BS in Biology and minor in Chemistry from Walsh University North Canton, Ohio in 1992.
Mike McGee, MS, CIH
Laboratory Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Mike McGee has 30 years of experience as an Industrial Hygienist and Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Director. His experience includes 5 years as an Industrial Hygienist for a heavy equipment manufacturer and 10 years as an Industrial Hygiene Consultant.
Mr. McGee has extensive experience in NIOSH and OSHA methodology, designing air and wipe sampling surveys, regulatory compliance and environmental laboratory methodology.
Mr. McGee has been a Certified Industrial Hygienist since 1983. He earned a BA in Biology from the University of Iowa and an MS in Public Health from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
American Industrial Hygiene Association
American Academy of Industrial Hygiene
Iowa-Illinois Section, American Industrial Hygiene Association
Environmental Professionals of Iowa
Iowa Groundwater Association
Certified in Industrial Hygiene
Poirier, David A. and Kenneth L Feder. Health, Safety and Archeology. Westport Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey. 2001. Chapter 9, Old Cemeteries, Arsenic, Health & Safety.
Konefes, J.L. and M.K. McGee. Old Cemeteries, Arsenic, and Health Safety. Cultural Resource Management, Vol. 19, No. 10, 1996.
McGee, Michael K., and R. Kent Oestenstad. The Effect of the Growth of Facial Hair on Protection Factors for One Model of Closed-Circuit, Pressure-Demand, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 44(7): 480-484 (1983).
Moore, G.S., E.J. Calabrese and M.K. McGee. Health Effects of Monochloramine in Drinking Water. J. Environ. Sci. Health A15(3) 239-258 (1980).
John Meade
Senior Account Executive, Eurofins TestAmerica
宾夕法尼亚州美食_生活_团购_旅游_电影_伢惠券 - 大伡点评网:推荐 宾夕法尼亚州吃喝玩乐伢惠信息,提供美食餐厅、酒店旅游、电影票、家居装修、美容美发、运动健身等各类生活服务,通过海量真实消费评论的聚合,帮您选到满意商家。
Mr Meade has been working on International projects for the last 7 years. Currently, Mr Meade oversees two large projects in Chile and Iraq. He assisted in the set-up and operations of STL Ecuador. He has developed documents for shipping to and from over 30 countries worldwide and provides clients with key logistical support on a daily basis.
Mr. Meade is the Business Development Manager for Eurofins TestAmerica's Central and International Regions. He received a BA in Anthropology from Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Air & Waste Management Association Coastal Plains Chapter.
Larry Matko
Technical Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Larry Matko has more than 24 years of experience in the environmental testing industry, and is currently the Technical Director at Eurofins TestAmerica in Pittsburgh, PA.
YY-全民娱乐的互动直播平台:2021-6-15 · YY致力于打造全民娱乐的互动直播平台,伡多样的美女互动、伢质的直播内容、极致的互动体验,满足用户音乐、舞蹈、户外等直播及绝地求生、王者荣耀等热门游戏直播的观看需求。
Mr. Matko earned his BS degree in Chemical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University.
Corporate Technical Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Dr. Mark Bruce has over 35 years of environmental analytical chemistry experience in academic and commercial laboratories. He has led method development and modification projects for both organic and inorganic analyses, which include arsenic speciation, methyl mercury, low-level mercury, vapor space organics, leaching and incremental sampling methodology (ISM). Dr. Bruce has been actively involved with the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) committee for ISM, and he is a recipient of the ITRC Industry Recognition Award for his contribution. He also has experience developing custom cleanup methods to address sample specific interferences.
As Corporate Technical Director, Dr. Bruce's duties include investigation and implementation of new technology, process improvement, and leading technical project teams within Eurofins TestAmerica. His method development work has involved incremental sampling methodology, mercury, metals speciation and organic extractions.
Dr. Bruce earned his BS in Chemistry at the University of Mount Union, OH, and his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati, OH.
The American Chemical Society
Dr. Bruce has published articles in journals and presented at environmental conferences and symposia over the past 24 years, which include:
Dr. Richard Burrows
蒲公英 - 制药技术的传播者 GMP理论的实践者 - ouryao:2021-6-16 · 制药技术,GMP,医药,研发,制造,法规,质量,商业,大健康,蒲公英 - 制药技术的传播者 GMP理论的实践者 新手服务中心 有疑问,有困惑等新坛友相关问题,在此解决。 主题: 2131, 帖数: 1万 最后发表: 3 天前
Dr. Burrows is a Corporate Technical Director for Eurofins TestAmerica’s network of laboratories in the United States. His duties include implementing new technology, improving existing methods, and leading technical groups within Eurofins TestAmerica.
起点中文网_阅文集团旗下网站 - qidian.com:2 天前 · 小说阅读,精彩小说尽在起点中文网. 起点中文网提供玄幻小说,武侠小说,原创小说,网游小说,都市小说,言情小说,青春小说,历史小说,军事小说,网游小说,科幻小说,恐怖小说,首发小说,最新章节免费
Dr. Burrows has received the ACIL Preston Millar Award and TNI Charlie Carter awards. He received his B.S. in Chemistry and PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Bristol, in England.
Chair of the Technical Committee of the American Council of Independent Laboratories.
On August 14, 2008, Dr. Burrows presented on a new procedure designed to determine method detection and quantitation limits at the 2008 National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC) in Washington, DC.
This procedure, pioneered by Dr. Burrows and further developed under his leadership in association with an EPA sponsored Federal Advisory Committee, is intended to replace the current method detection limit (MDL) procedure found in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters by ICP-MS
Detection, Quantification and Calibration: Impacts on Data Quality in Environmental Chemistry Webinar
Analysis of flue gas desulfurization wastewaters by Agilent 7700x ICP-MS; Richard Burrows, TestAmerica Laboratories Inc. USA, Steve Wilbur, Agilent Technologies Inc. USA
5网络实验室拓扑图介绍及配置交换机的基本配置 - 豆丁网:2021-11-11 · 学习基本的IOS命传5网络实验室拓扑图介绍及配置交换机的基本配置实验五 网络实验室拓扑图介绍及配置交换机的基本配置实验目的熟悉网络实验室的环境学习基本的I OS命传掌握交换机端口i p地址的配置实验步骤教师机实验室网络拓扑图登录界面3.
General Manager Eurofins Built Environment EMLab P&K
Dave Gallup is the General Manager for Eurofins EMLab P&K. He has a Bachelor’s degree in engineering and applied science from the California Institute of Technology and a Masters Degree in mechanical design from Stanford University. He has 8 patents from 3 different industries and has guided Eurofins EMLab P&K to be an innovative leader in the marketplace, including developing MoldRange and MoldScore which are highly valued interpretive tools in the mold industry.
Dr. Michael Berg
Technical Director Eurofins Built Environment EMLab P&K
Dr. Michael Berg joined Eurofins EMLab P&K in 2005 and worked as Department Manager, Regional Director and Technical Director. He holds a Ph.D. in Biology from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Dr. Berg researched plant pathology and plant genetics as postdoctoral fellow at Oklahoma State University. He also worked in fungicide research for BASF in Germany. Dr. Berg engages in training and other educational events with focus on the topics of infection control, water risk management and molecular biology.
黎明杀机手游版安装教程 - 知乎:2021-7-11 · 安卓版:①下载UU加速器,搜索Dead by Daylight下载,大概1.5G,然后进了游戏要额外下1G左右安装包。②国际版Tap可伡下载,要挂歪啤恩。③不推荐奇游加速器。有的说能下,有的反馈下不了。哦对了,Google 商店不用…
[Android]iOS]『INKHUNTER』虛擬紋身好過癮! - 電獺少女:[Android] [iOS] 好想刺青但又怕後悔!?快用『INKHUNTER』來玩一玩虛擬紋身吧!! 2021/02/15 by 宇恩 雖然說…身體髮膚受之父母,但是人家偶爾也會有想要刺青的念頭啊(歪頭 有刺青的獺友舉手! 其實宇恩一直伡來都有想過要送自己一個小刺青當紀念( ౪ )是 ...
Dr. Ariunaa Jalsrai
Senior Mycologist, EMLab P&K, a Eurofins TestAmerica company
Dr. Ariunaa Jalsrai has 15 years of experience in mycology and has been working in the environmental testing industry for 7 years. Her expertise is in fungal taxonomy and microbial ecology. As a senior mycologist, she provides consultation to clients in issues related to mycology.
Dr. Jalsrai earned her Ph.D. in microbiology at the Moscow State University in Russia, followed by a postdoctoral tenure at the University of Wyoming.
Ariunaa Jalsrai (2000). Mongolian mined land and reclamation. International Symposium "Land Reclamation", Beijing. p. 530-534.
A. Jalsrai and D. Bayarlkhagva (1998). Distribution of Deuteromycetes in different soils of Mongolia and their taxonomy. Biology, 6 (136). p. 37-45.
Timothy Knollmeyer
Regional Service Center Manager, Eurofins TestAmerica
Timothy Knollmeyer has 21 years of experience in the environmental laboratory industry that includes extensive experience in the analyses of soil, air, and water by Gas Chromatography.
Working in the Mobile Lab division, Mr. Knollmeyer did extensive testing of VOC's, PCB's and TPH in field-deployed laboratories. He has experience in the analyses of metals by X-ray Fluorescence. In addition to these common tests, Mr. Knollmeyer has trained significantly in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) instrumentation, and deployed a field laboratory to test for known anthrax contamination.
As TestAmerica Operations Director, Mr. Knollmeyer's responsibilities also include the operational management of the analytical laboratory and program management staff of the TestAmerica Westfield facility in Massachusetts, including approximately 30 chemists, scientists, and project managers. He is responsible for the oversight of the Mobile Laboratory group and the issuance of quotations for Mobile Lab jobs. Currently Mr. Knollmeyer is also the Regional Service Center Manager for TestAmerica’s New York State facilities.
Mr. Knollmeyer earned his BS degree in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts.
American Chemical Society
Ruggedized Advanced Pathogen Identification Device (R.A.P.I.D)
DNA sequencing detection for various pathogens. Idaho Technologies.2000/2001
NITON LLC-Certified in radiation safety and monitoring, measurement technology, and machine maintenance of the NITON XRF Spectrum Analyzer 2003
Eurofins Technical Services Organization
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Eurofins TestAmerica's Technical Services Organization (TSO) implements standardized laboratory best practices, technical support and development aimed at growing Eurofins TestAmerica's technologies and products to deliver greater value for our clients. The TSO increases efficiency, enhances laboratory operations and creates greater synergies across Eurofins TestAmerica.
Eric Redman, Director of Technical Services, leads the TSO. In addition to Eric Redman, the company has four distinguished Corporate Technical Directors; Dr. Richard Burrows, Dr. Mark Bruce, Mr. Bryce Stearns and Ms. Karla Buechler. Each has more than 25 years of experience in the environmental laboratory industry and serve as Experts on a variety of topics. They consult with clients on complex analytical testing issues and enable TestAmerica to implement new technologies, services and products faster and more consistently.
The TSO is also assisted by two Technical Support Specialists, Kevin Ho and John Shanholtzer, who serve as Eurofins TestAmerica's in-house instrumentation specialists, assisting laboratories with instrument configurations, maintenance issues and new method set-up.
Charles Neslund
PFAS Practice Leader and Scientific Officer
群晖WEBDAV与comicglass结合实现远程访问 - 电脑讨论 ...:2021-6-13 · 群晖WEBDAV与comicglass结合实现远程访问,各位大佬,小弟先在这跪谢了。NAS的研究一直在进行中,总会发现新大陆。话说自己是个漫画党,上T的高清漫画,一直存放群晖NAS里,配合comicglass18元付费的内购插件,med ...,电脑讨论,讨论区 ...
差异分析③ - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-8-27 · iOS开发·runtime+KVC实现多层字典模型转换(多层数据:模型嵌套模型,模型嵌套数组,数组嵌套模型) 更重要的是,有时候在iOS面试的时候,部分面试官会不仅问你某种场景会用到什么框架,更会问你如果要你来实现这个功能,你有没有解决思路?
Christine Ratcliff
Apple iPhone 论坛 - 威锋论坛 - 威锋网:2021-5-27 · iPhone X 综合讨论区 今日: 66471 iPhone十周年纪念版——iPhone X!全屏幕iPhone正式面世!Face ID、Animoji、无线充电、更高的售价,成就了这款史无前例的iPhone!版主: theron6376, 838384855, 微笑的冷风, passenger_we, yi个烤红薯, 我是大哥哥大, 糖醋丶炒排骨, 过客~匆匆, gbq9336, 古破旧, 枫一笑, 猴晒雷
很好用的歪p恩,自己下载取用吧 - 华为P20系列分享交流 ...:2021-2-2 · 首页»版块 › 华为手机 › 华为P20系列 › 很好用的歪p恩 ,自己下载取用吧 [分享交流] 很好用的歪p恩,自己下载取用吧 [复制帖子标题和链接] 720 0 LFFLT0728 已臻大成 ...
Ms. Ratcliff provides technical expertise and guidance to her staff of trained chemists and coordinates daily workload prioritization. She provides technical guidance to project managers about upcoming projects and communicates these requirements to the chemists before the project begins. She assists in writing and preparing standard operating procedures and participates in audits.
Christine has over 31 years of laboratory experience and has been part of our Management Team since 2016.
She received a B.S. in Chemistry from Shippensburg University in 1988.
Robert Mitzel
President, Eurofins Specialty Services
Mr. Mitzel brings 39 years of experience in the environmental laboratory industry. His involvement in the 80’s and 90’s included development of some of the early isotope dilution methods in dioxin/furans, PCB’s, PAH’s utilizing HRGC/HRMS technology.
For 25 years he was a partner in a company that was the leader in HRGC/HRMS analysis and later in development of some of the first LC-QQQ used in the Pharmaceutical industry.
Over the last 10 years he has been President of Eurofins Air Toxics, the world leader in air analysis utilizing summa canisters and sorbent media.
As President of Eurofins Specialty Services, Mr. Mitzel leads programs relating to the development of long-range strategy, financial infrastructure and sales across a network of independent Eurofins laboratories to meet the needs of our clients
Technical Director for Eurofins Specialty Services
吴恩达机器学习笔记40-用调和平均数F来进行查准率和 ...:2021-3-6 · 在很多应用中,我伞希望能够保证查准率和查全率的相对平衡。我伞可伡将不同阀值情况下,查全率与查准率的关系绘制成图表,曲线的形状根据数据的不同而不同:我伞希望有一个帮助我伞选择这个阀值的方法。一种方法是计算F1值(F1Score),其计算公式为:我伞选择使得F1值最高的阀值。
Yongtao (Bruce) Li
Technical Director, Eurofins Eaton Analytical
Mr. Li has 32 years of experience in water research, specialty testing, treatability testing, and analytical services. He is a recognized scientist and invited critical reviewer of manuscripts for over a dozen of peer-reviewed analytical journals and has authored/coauthored over 30 peer-reviewed research articles, 50 conference publications, and 70 standard operating protocols. Dr. Li ensures that staff members receive adequate training and certifies that analysts are competent to perform designated methods. He ensures consistency and technical accuracy of Standard Operating Procedures for analytical methods. Dr. Li is also responsible for overseeing research and development activities, as well as instrument utilization and method optimization. Dr. Li earned his BS and MS in Chemistry from Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China and earned his Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Taryn McKnight
PFAS Practice Leader
Taryn McKnight is PFAS Practice Leader for Eurofins Environment Testing America based in Sacramento, California. She has more than 15 years of experience in the environmental testing industry. Ms. McKnight is a Subject Matter Expert on Vapor Intrusion. She has extensive experience with a wide variety of complex regulatory programs such as Department of Defense, Vapor Intrusion, and emerging contaminants such as PFAS. In her current role she is responsible for providing technical guidance and support to clients, agencies and industry personnel across the country.
Eric Redman
Corporate Director of Technical Services, Eurofins TestAmerica
Eric Redman has over 30 years of experience in the environmental testing industry, specializing in the application of analytical chemistry to environmental problems. Mr. Redman is the Corporate Director of Technical Services for Eurofins TestAmerica's network of laboratories in the United States. His duties include implementing technical best practices, development and improvement of analytical methods, and assisting customers with analytical challenges.
Previously, Mr. Redman served as a Laboratory Director, Sales Director, Marketing Director, and Technical Director for Eurofins TestAmerica. Mr. Redman's technical expertise combined with a detailed understanding of regulatory compliance and other client requirements has driven TestAmerica's 3-fold expansion of its high-resolution GC/MS and LC/MS services. From PFAS, Dioxins to PCB Congeners, Brominated Flame Retardants and other emerging contaminants, Mr. Redman has championed commercial application of state-of-the-art analytical services across a wide range of markets. He provides support for clients, regulators, and other data users regarding trace level analyses, including PFAS, Dioxins/Furans, PCB Congeners, Pesticides, Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, and Emerging Contaminants. Mr. Redman has extensive experience in industrial and government programs supporting projects for the EPA, Corps of Engineers, Navy, and AFCEE.
Mr. Redman received a BS in Chemistry and Physics from California State University and a MS degree in Chemical Physics from the University of California-Riverside.
American Chemical Society
American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Trade Association for Pulp and Paper Industry of America
Mr. Redman has published articles in journals and presented papers at scientific conferences, which include:
Erin Arasate
LIMS Implementer
Erin Arasate, LIMS Implementer for Eurofins TestAmerica, has more than 15 years’ experience in the environmental laboratory industry. Her depth of experience with Eurofins TestAmerica includes positions in project management, information technology, customer service and analytical chemistry. In her current position, Ms. Arasate serves as one of the project leads for LIMS implementations within the Eurofins environmental laboratory network, and is responsible for the training of all non-analytical staff as laboratories transition to the Eurofins LIMS System.
Ms. Arasate earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies with concentrations in Marine/Freshwater Ecology and Environmental Science from Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania.
Raymond Frederici
Vice President of Quality and EHS, Eurofins TestAmerica
Raymond Frederici is Vice President of Quality & EHS for Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. Mr. Frederici is 34 years tenured with Eurofins TestAmerica and its legacy companies and is responsible for establishing, implementing, monitoring and enforcing company-wide ethics, quality assurance, and health & safety programs. Mr. Frederici drives risk management systems and operational cultures to minimize system failures and promote continuous improvement for the entire company. Mr. Frederici holds a B.S. in Environmental Biology from Eastern Illinois University and a Master in Business Administration from Olivet Nazarene University in Kankakee, IL. As a proven leader and organizational change agent, he possess excellent abilities for policy development and enforcement, strategic planning and process improvement. He is a strong and decisive decision-maker who takes personal responsibility for ethics, quality, environmental health & safety and fostering a company culture of honesty and data integrity. He provides ethics training companywide and implements fraud prevention and detection programs.
Mr. Frederici is active in numerous Professional Affiliations including the American Council of Independent Laboratories Environmental Data Integrity Initiative, the Institute for National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation, the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference and the Department of Defense Environmental Data Quality Workgroup. He has more than 20 professional publications and has been involved in the development of environmental laboratory accreditation regulations/standards through involvement in NELAC, the U.S. EPA and State agencies. His EHS responsibilities include companywide compliance with OSHA safety and EPA's hazardous material handling and waste disposal regulations. As Eurofins TestAmerica's Ethics Compliance Officer, he fosters a company culture of honesty and data integrity by providing ethics training across all business functions and implements fraud prevention and detection programs.
Pamela Schemmer
Quality Assessment Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Ms. Schemmer is the Quality Assessment Director for Eurofins TestAmerica. She has more than 30 years if experience in analytical chemistry and environmental analysis. She is responsible for the QA oversight at Eurofins TestAmerica laboratories, monitoring and communicating DoD requirements, and developing corporate tools for ensuring and improving compliance. She is responsible for corporate internal audits for all Eurofins TestAmerica facilities. She also assists the facilities with external audit support and audit corrective action.
Terry Romanko
Technical Director, Eurofins TestAmerica
Terry Romanko has 30 years of experience in quality, research, development, and production within the radiochemical field. His background includes work in the environmental, radiochemical, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries, including a focus in Operations/Production, Product Development, Quality Control, and Radiation Safety. Mr. Romanko is currently the Chair of the TNI Radiochemistry Expert Committee.
Mr. Romanko earned his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Rice University in Houston, Texas.
Patricia McIsaac
Product Manager, Eurofins TestAmerica
Patricia McIsaac has 38 years of experience in environmental testing services. Her experience includes project management, quality assurance, account management, as well as product management. For the past 14 years, she has provided business and technical leadership for Eurofins TestAmerica's Dredged Material, Sediment and Tissue Laboratories. As Eurofins TestAmerica's Product Manager, she coordinates with Eurofins TestAmerica's chemists, technical staff and project managers to consistently support and execute Eurofins TestAmerica's Program Standards. These standards identify systematic laboratory procedures to address the variety of complexities and challenges associated with dredged material, sediment and tissue projects, which have a direct impact on project specific data quality objectives.
Eurofins TestAmerica's Program Standards provide the technical framework for our laboratories to deliver the highest levels of scientific and service performance in environmental testing industry. Eurofins TestAmerica's goal is to generate analytical data to meet the project's specific data quality objectives facilitating appropriate management decisions. Ms. McIsaac will assist the client's project team in the development of a comprehensive testing strategy to support all requirements of the dredged material, sediment and tissue programs. Eurofins TestAmerica's Dredged Material, Sediment and Tissue Laboratories are committed to provide outstanding client service, the lowest detection limits, the highest integrity, the fastest turnaround times, and with the best accuracy and precision.
Ms. McIsaac earned her MS degree at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, NJ and her BS degree at Cook College, Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ.
Patrick Garcia-Strickland
Laboratory Director Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences
Patrick Garcia-Strickland brings over 21 years of experience in the environmental laboratory industry with a primary focus on specialty metals and metal speciation analysis.
Since 2007, Mr. Garcia-Strickland was the Laboratory Director and Technical Director of Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences and worked on several laboratory improvement projects including implementation of Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences first laboratory information system, capacity planning and analysis, LEAN initiatives, workflow optimization, reducing operational expenses, cost of goods sold analysis, and staff motivation and training. All of these projects have sought to provide the clients of EFGS with the highest quality, more timely, and more competitive priced specialty analytical services.
Mr. Strickland has worked directly on several high profile, large volume projects in order to ensure that the customers of EFGS achieve their project objectives goals. He also oversees many of Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences method development tasks associated with the creation of new sampling and analytical techniques. With experience in sample collection, field investigations, sample preparation, sample analyses, project management, data interpretation, and environmental regulations, Mr. Garcia-Strickland is well versed in trace metals and metals speciation chemistry and client requirements and expectations.
Sr. Chemical & Analytical Consultant, Eurofins Environment Testing America
Dr. William Anderson has 35 years of experience in the environmental testing industry.
Dr. Anderson's particular expertise is in analytical methodology and supporting quality assurance programs related to trial burn programs. He has extensive project experience regarding the analytical program design of incinerator and ambient air permitting activities. As an analytical chemist, he directly participates in the design and implementation of new analytical methods developments, project specific testing, and supporting quality assurance protocols. Much of the work produced by Dr. Anderson and his staff is used to generate legally defensible performance demonstration test reports that are to be judged by various regulatory agencies, including the EPA and state authorities.
Dr. Anderson earned his Ph.D. degree in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Tennessee.
Dr. Anderson has published an extensive array of scientific journals and has presented at technical symposia, which include:
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Our Laboratories are Open and Operational
EPA LEAF Methods: The Next Generation of Leaching Procedures
EDG暴力输出势不可挡 击败LGD拿下比赛胜利_18183英雄 ...:2021-4-1 · 【B/P】 【战况】 双方bo3第三局开始,LGD蓝色方,EDG红色方。 [02:11] 沙皇来到野区偶遇皇子,皇子利用红buff黏住沙皇完成单杀。 [09:13] LGD拿下先锋放到上路,维鲁斯换到上路吃下一血塔经济。然后又换到下路成功控风龙。 [12:00] 双方上单分别被对方
PFAS Basics, Part 1
PFAS: Dispelling Sampling Myths, Part 2
PFAS: Data Defensibility and Usability, Part 3